How To Fact-Check Public Figures

How To Fact-Check Public Figures

  • Every time a public figure makes a statement that may seem unbelievable or odd, you should always ask yourself if it’s a claim or a fact.
  • This course will help you in fact-checking such claims made by public figures.
  • In this course, you will learn how to look for the context of the claims being made, and verify them using official and credible sources. 

Language: English

Instructors: Isha Bajpai

₹349 14.33% OFF


Course Details

What will you learn in this course?

  • Every time a public figure makes a statement that may seem unbelievable or odd, you should always ask yourself if it’s a claim or a fact.
  • This course will help you in fact-checking such claims made by public figures.
  • Fact-checkable claims have tangible nouns, numbers or comparisons and sometimes they come in the form of achievements. Some claims are non-factcheckable as they could be opinions, rhetoric and satire.
  • In this course, you will learn how to look for context of the claims being made, verify them using official and credible sources. 

How will the course help you?

  • This course will help you identify the amount of misleading claims made by public figures.
  • It will help you shape opinions about a particular public organisation, entitiy or an individual based on creidble information. 
  • You will be empowered to fact-check public figures. 

Who is the course for?

  • Every citizen of the country.
  • Misinformation peddled by public figures may have a huge impact on lives, hence it's important for us to know whether the information being passed off is backed by facts or not. 

Instructed By: Isha Bajpai

Isha Bajpai has worked with broadsheets: Daily News & Analysis, The Times of India and Hindustan Times; a tabloid: Mid-Day and a news website: Down To Earth across Jaipur, Mumbai and New Delhi. A cold weather and coffee lover at heart, she is now based in Bengaluru and is studying environmental law while looking to bust fake news as FactChecker's Assistant Editor.

Course Curriculum

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
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